Reflections on Suara
With the conclusion of the first five – year phase, BEFF is taking stock of Suara’s achievements, identifying gaps and assessing challenges. Following on from the festival weekend, BEFF has collected feedback from several strategic colleagues, notably Suara’s partners and trainers, organisers of other film festivals in Sabah and Malaysia, and long-time audience members. On […]
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SUARA film screening with The British High Commission
Congrats also to our friends at Green Voices of Borneo who presented their film about youth taking action on climate change. On the heels of the 2015 festival weekend that premiered six Suara films, BEFF received a request from the British High Commission to Malaysia to screen “Mastal Arikik” by Wanita Pulau Omadal (WAPO) and […]
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An Invitation to all to ‘Lights, Camera, Youth Action!’
‘Lights, Camera, Youth Action!’ is an exciting event being organised by UK in Malaysia – British High Commission Kuala Lumpur. Suara community filmmaking teams from Green Semporna and Wanita Pulau Omadal – WAPO will showcase their films to everyone who will be attending. Sabah Art Gallery, Kota Kinabalu on 9th December 2015, from 6-8pm. The […]
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Over 17 films were screened in BEFF 2015!
The BEFF 2015 festival was held over the weekend of Friday the 2nd to Sunday the 4th of October at Kompleks JKKN (Sabah) in Kota Kinabalu. All of BEFF’s year – long activities culminated in a three-day celebration of our shared natural and cultural heritage. The 2015 festival weekend featured the Environmental Cinema and Suara Publika […]
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Special luncheon for Mr. Bird Runningwater
A special luncheon for Mr. Bird Runningwater and BEFF to meet with Sabah Minister for Tourism, Culture and Environment Datuk Seri Panglima Masidi Manjun, organised by Sabah Tourism Board on 5th October 2015. Bird Runningwater is an international film expert and Director of the Sundance Institute’s world-famous Native American and Indigenous Program (NAIP). Find out on how […]
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Hezekiah composed an original score for BEFF!
The historical films included a live film performance by Kelabit musician Hezekiah Asim who composed an original score to accompany North Borneo Circa 1950 and was presented as the opening act to the festival weekend. More info on FILMS!
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Free film screenings and talks at Borneo Eco Film Festival 2015
Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE This year’s film lineup features award-winning documentaries Bird Runningwater from the Sundance Institute, organiser of the famed Sundance Film Festival to speak at BEFF Sabahans invited to join the three-day festivities KOTA KINABALU, September 14, 2015 – The Borneo Eco Film Festival (BEFF), Sabah’s homegrown annual green event, returns this October […]
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Fresh from the Oven!
Sponsored by CIMB Foundations, Borneo Eco Film Festival now has a Guidebook / Buku Panduan for every Suara participant! Yay! Find out what’s going on in SUARA COMMUNITY FILMMAKING!
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