BEFF’s YOUTH OUTREACH PROGRAMME was launched in August 2016. The Youth Outreach Programme is an outreach initiative to selected secondary schools and tertiary institutions in the Greater Kota Kinabalu area.


The power of the moving image to impact on inquisitive young minds cannot be underestimated.

In 2016, the BEFF team ran 12 interactive talks with 1,007 students at 10 educational institutions to share Suara films and festival trailers and discuss how these stories relate to the environmental issues around us.

At each visit, we’re showing three trailers from BEFF’s selected film line-up to spark discussions with our urban youth about the social and environmental themes highlighted in these films. From Just Eat ItLandfill Harmonic to Plastic Paradise, we are going to dive into these vibrant and entertaining stories and set off on a journey to understand the complex environmental issues that affect all of us and discover solutions that could work for Sabah too! This is why we want students to come to our festival weekend where we are showcasing 15 critically acclaimed films on a range of social and environmental themes. And it’s free!

For 2016, we’re also announced BEFF’s My Eco Snap Story Challenge, where we are calling students from all over Sabah to make their own eco-stories using Snapchat. We are looking for creative student-made Snapchat stories that show how the environment features in the day-to-day lives of our youth today.




As the storyteller, you have the power to uplift and inspire.

BEFF’s Youth Outreach Programme is about us wanting to understand how our youth connects with the issues surrounding social and environmental change and resilience. We are reaching out to this emerging generation of Sabahan millennials because we want to inspire conversations, ideas and aspirations for the youth of today to shape the future of our environment and society.

This is the start of a larger convergence.

Can’t wait to see y’all at school and at our festival weekend!