• First Suara Community Filmmaking Storytelling Workshop Kicks Off In Kiulu

    It’s back! Our budding community film makers made their way to the beautiful Kampung Mantob in Kiulu in March for the first storytelling workshop. The three-day workshop ran from the 23rd to the 26th of March, with 30 participants Kudat, Semporna, Mantanani, Dagat and more.

  • Reflections on Suara

    With the conclusion of the first five – year phase, BEFF is taking stock of Suara’s achievements, identifying gaps and assessing challenges. Following on from the festival weekend, BEFF has collected feedback from several strategic colleagues, notably Suara’s partners and trainers, organisers of other film festivals in Sabah and Malaysia,

  • SUARA film screening with The British High Commission

    Congrats also to our friends at Green Voices of Borneo who presented their film about youth taking action on climate change. On the heels of the 2015 festival weekend that premiered six Suara films, BEFF received a request from the British High Commission to Malaysia to screen “Mastal Arikik” by

  • An Invitation to all to ‘Lights, Camera, Youth Action!’

    ‘Lights, Camera, Youth Action!’ is an exciting event being organised by UK in Malaysia – British High Commission Kuala Lumpur. Suara community filmmaking teams from Green Semporna and Wanita Pulau Omadal – WAPO will showcase their films to everyone who will be attending. Sabah Art Gallery, Kota Kinabalu on 9th

  • Suara Community Filmmaking 2015: Workshop 4 + Screenings

    Our final workshop of the year was held in conjunction with the Borneo Eco Film Festival in Kota Kinabalu, and represented the culmination and distillation of 2015’s previous three village-level workshops on storytelling, production and editing. It provided an opportunity for our community film-makers to employ all of the skills

  • Suara Community Filmmaking 2015: Workshop 3 – Post Production: Software-based editing techniques

    Our third Suara Community Filmmaking workshop of 2015 was held successfully from the 19th to the 23rd of August in the village of Sukau, located on the banks of Sabah’s famous Kinabatangan river. Sukau is home to our participant team from the community-based wildlife and habitat conservation organisation Hutan, who

  • Suara Community Filmmaking 2015: Workshop 2 – Building Production Skills: Industry standard training on use of cameras & audio equipment

    Our second Suara Community Filmmaking workshop of 2015 was held successfully from the 20th to the 24th of May in the town of Semporna, located on Sabah’s south eastern coast. This location was chosen as it is home to our Suara filmmaking teams from Green Semporna and the Pulau Omadal Women’s

  • Fresh from the Oven!

    Sponsored by CIMB Foundations, Borneo Eco Film Festival now has a Guidebook / Buku Panduan for every Suara participant! Yay! Find out what’s going on in SUARA COMMUNITY FILMMAKING!

  • Suara Community Filmmaking 2015: Workshop 1 – Development of Creative Skills in Film Storytelling

    The first Suara Community Filmmaking workshop of 2015 was held successfully from the 4th to the 8th of March at the Sabah Forestry Department’s Community Forestry Centre in Kampung Karamuak; part of the Yayasan Sabah Forest Management Complex in the district of Tongod, central Sabah. We selected this venue because

  • Suara Community Filmmaking 2012: Workshop 1 – 4

    A total of 49 indigenous and local community filmmakers participated in Suara Community Filmmaking Programme this year, actively engaging with our panel of professional filmmakers and each other to share, learn and develop their community filmmaking skills. Suara Community Filmmaking Programme is a year-long community filmmaking training programme with outreach field